Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Rhetorical Analysis Of A Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift
A Modest Proposal†is an essay by Jonathan Swift that gives some type of a solution to the hunger problem in Ireland. Swift espouse an ironic approach that guarantee a surprise ending. At the beginning of the essay, he cornerstones his proposal that will be good for the public and diminish economic troubles. The proposal that Swift advances concerns the selling of poor Irish children to the rich, so that they could suffice as food. In addition, he points out that this will ease the pressures on the poor population as it will earn them sustenance. However, in the end of the essay, Swift adopts a pliable tone, which contrasts significantly with the one he uses at the beginning. This emanates from his indication that he is open to more†¦show more content†¦The poor in the country comprise of beggars and their children, and cottagers and laborers; if the government decides to provide for them, it will result in a serious debt spanning myriad years. Swift’s indicatio n that his proposal is rather cheap, innocent, effectual and easy to adopt is also an indication that the end of the story will be different from what the readers expect. Swift asserts that even the parents of the children who have developed to adolescence would have seconded his idea to solve the problems that they have faced trying to provide for them. In comparison to how the essay concludes, this is an indication that Swift (2007) was also speaking for himself as at the end of the essay he regrets not having children whom he could sell for benefit. The author is successful in his conviction at the end of the essay through offering several reasons for the adoption of his plan. Firstly, he indicates that before any other writers present their proposals concerning the matter, they should spare a moment and consider his ideas that are uniformly cheap, effectual, easy, and innocent. This observation by Swift is to lure opinionated readers to reconsider their position and try to reason in the same line as Swift. Secondly, Swift (2007) provides two reasons which, as he indicates, are the proof that his proposal is viable; they include the factShow MoreRelatedEssay on Rhetorical Analysis of a Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift639 Words  | 3 PagesJohnathan Swift wrote Modest Proposal with the idea to better humanity.. When you first read it you miss what the true message is. You think â€Å"Man this guy is a monster!†or â€Å"He’s sick!†, but once you reach the end the true meaning of the proposal hits you. Wh en Jonathan Swift wrote a Modest Proposal he tried to get his audience to see the problem by taking it and providing an unethical and inhumane solution then using rhetorical devices to bring out people’s emotions. 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The following sections of this BookRags Premium Study Guide is offprint from Gales For Students Series: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, Media Adaptations, Topics for Further Study, Compare
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