Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Law - Essay Example Thus, in CTN Cash and Carry Ltd v. Gallaher Ltd, the court decided that the reasonable advantage gathering to the promisor established thought for the extra payment.2 Moreover, in the Central London Property Trust Ltd V. High Trees House Ltd, The occupants depended upon the rule of estoppel against the proprietor and kept him from improving the rent.3 Besides, in Tool Metal Manufacturing Co Ltd v. Tungsten Electric Co Ltd, the Law Lords decided that the guarantee was official during the time of suspension, and that subsequent to outfitting sensible notification, the proprietors could get the pay payments.4 For our situation, the Idyllic Hotels Limited remained to understand an extensive benefit, if the work were to be finished in time. Simultaneously, if there was any postponement in the development, the room appointments would have been dropped, prompting extensive misfortune to Idyllic Hotels Limited. This down to earth advantage comprises the thought for additional installment. Prohibition provisos fall under the domain of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and the Unfair Terms of the Consumer Contract Regulations 1999. The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 renders organizations at risk for infringement or circumvention of legal commitments, in the typical course of business. In Thornton v. Shoe Lane Parking the court held that the prohibition proviso was not relevant, since the exception condition had not been remembered for the agreement. Thus, the organization was held obligated for the individual injury caused because of its negligence.5 In Hollier v Rambler Motors (AMC) Ltd, the latter’s endeavor to sidestep obligation by falling back on an avoidance statement was prohibited by the Court of Appeal, which held that the litigants were subject for any harm brought about by fire, due to their negligence.6 The Vitus Equipment Hire Ltd had given a damaged stepping stool to Urban. The result
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Gonorrhea Essay Example For Students
Gonorrhea Essay Gonorrhea is an irresistible explicitly transmitted sickness. This malady includes the mucous films of the urogenital tract. Gonorrhea is substantially more evident in guys in light of the fact that they build up an intense release of discharge from the urethra. Rare when it begins, it gets thicker and heavier and causes visit pee. At the point when pee happens, there will be a consuming sensation. In the event that the prostate gets tainted, the section of pee is somewhat deterred. In females the disease happens in the urethra, the vagina, or the cervix. Despite the fact that release and disturbance of the vaginal mucous layers might be extreme. About few or no early side effects will show up. Gonorrhea is analyzed by recoloring a smear of the release to uncover the microbes. Treatment in the beginning times is normally successful. On the off chance that the sickness is untreated in the male, the early side effects may die down, yet the contamination may spread to the gonads causing sterility. In the untreated female the contamination as a rule spreads from the cervix into the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing pelvic fiery illness. Serious agony may happen, or the contamination may remain behind with not many or no indications. While doing this, it will be progressively harming the cylinders and leaving the lady sterile. In both genders the gonococcus may enter the circulatory system, bringing about joint pain, heart aggravation, or different ailments. Gonorrhea in pregnant ladies might be transmitted to the newborn child during birth and may, if untreated, cause a genuine eye contamination. Penicillin is generally utilized against gonorrhea, albeit throughout the years an expanding number of penicillin safe strains have been found. Other compelling anti-microbials are antibiotic medication, spectinomycin, and the more current ones called cephalosporins. One anti-toxin called ceftriaxone can fix simple gonorrhea, including contaminations impervious to penicillin, with a solitary infusion. Gonorrhea expanded significantly in the U.S. nearly arriving at pandemic extents in teenagers and youthful grown-ups. In most enormous urban areas facilities have been built up where youngsters can get treatment. One of the most troublesome assignments in controlling gonorrhea is finding all ongoing sexual contacts of a contaminated individual so as to forestall additionally spread of the ailment. Human Sexuality
Friday, August 14, 2020
Meta This entry is kind of inspired by an entry that Anthony wrote. Yes, I realize that he wrote it a month ago. Ive been kind of lame about reading everyone elses blogs. I would be happy to get feedback from my readers on this, both the regular commenters and the lurkers. I worry that the quality of my blogging has gone downhill as time has passed. When I first started blogging for Admissions, I wrote a number of what were basically essays on subjects that I had been thinking about for a long time, and had more entries that provided a snapshot of what I was actually doing, but that had a philosophical twist. The problem was that once these entries were written, I couldnt keep writing about the same topics over and over. So I started floundering when looking for inspiration. Or at least, I feel like I did it is quite possible that this blog is about the same now as it was at the beginning, and my perception is the result of insecurities on my part. On the opposite side of the coin, when I write too many philisophical essays about MIT, I start wondering if maybe my readers would rather just see some pictures of events after all. Though I think that I would have trouble writing this blog if those sorts of entries were the only ones I posted. Also, I got hosed. Junior year turned out to be ridiculously grueling for me. Its not even that I lack all sorts of stuff to ramble on about, but there are things that I cant/wont put into a public forum, even if they relate to topics that I could write well about, because of their sensitive nature. Peoples day to day angst. My feelings about various MIT policies and policy changes I put some of this in, but if Im actually going to be effective at dealing with the issues involved, I cannot blurt out exactly what I think about everything and everyone relevant. My feelings about internal politics and struggles within the UA, and other groups did you notice that I didnt actually write any entries about the UA elections while I was running for president (though that wasnt all for sensitivity reasonsfrankly I was exhausted during that time)? And much more. After three years of MIT life, Ive decided that a lot of the most interesting and inspiring aspects of many students lives are lived underground. So I search for a middle ground, try to keep this blog respectful of sensitivities without going too far into self-censorship, try to hint without spelling out. Its kind of like the hacking books MIT puts out, like Nightwork, which I referenced in my last entry they are interesting, inspiring, and provoke dreams among high school students about putting their own creations on top of the Great Dome someday. And they even go a little bit into the psychology, include some very insightful essays, drop some juicy details here and there. But its not like theyre really giving you the lowdown, the inside view on what it would be like to be a hacker at MIT, the actual accounts of people involved. They cant. Similarly, I cant give you the true lowdown on being an MIT student and neither can any other blogger, for whatever being an MIT student is to them just a modified version. Anthony and I have much in common weve discussed our blogging philosophies together several times but we have different perspectives on the vacuum nature of MIT that he alluded to in his entry. Interestingly, I think one of my best entries, written nearly a year ago, illustrates my perspective pretty well. I would like to think that students embracing MIT culture, and identifying strongly with the school, is less about them changing themselves to fit an MIT mold (not like theres really a typical MIT mold anyway), and more about the different characteristics of the subcultures that they choose helping them grow, and bringing out something from deep within them that they may not have known was there. A few other essay-style entries that I really like are here, here, here, and here. There are a few good photo-based, event-based entries as wellIm fond of this one. So I dont have any specific questions for you to answer, really, but responses to this entry would be helpful. I like to know what you think. I like what youre doing, keep it up is a valid answer, as are more critical views. As long as youre nice about it. :)
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Feme Sole and Womens Rights Historical Perspective
A woman with the status of feme sole was thus able to make legal contracts and sign legal documents in her own name. She could own property and dispose of it in her own name. She also had the right to make her own decisions about her education and could make decisions about how to dispose of her own wages. What made this status special, and what did it mean? Feme sole literally means a woman alone. In law, an adult woman who is not married, or one who is acting on her own regarding her estate and property, acting on her own rather than as a feme covert. The plural is femes sole. The phrase is also spelled femme sole in French. Illustrative Example In the last half of the 19th century, when Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony headed the National Womans Suffrage Association which also published a newspaper, Anthony had to sign contracts for the organization and paper, and Stanton could not. Stanton, a married woman, was a feme covert. and Anthony, mature and single, was a feme sole, so under law, Anthony was able to sign contracts, and Stanton was not. Stantons husband would have had to sign in Stantons stead. Historical Context Under common British law, an adult single woman (never married, widowed or divorced) was independent of a husband, and therefore not covered by him in the law, becoming one person with him. Blackstone does not consider it a violation of the principle of feme covert for a wife to act as an attorney for her husband, as when he was out of town, for that implies no separation from, but is rather a representation of, her lord.... Under certain legal conditions, a married woman could act on her own behalf regarding property and estate. Blackstone mentions, for instance, that if the husband is banished legally, he is dead in law, and thus the wife would have no legal defense if she were sued. In civil law, the husband and wife were considered separate persons. In criminal prosecutions, a husband and wife could be sued and punished separately, but could not be witnesses for one another. The exception to the witness rule was, according to Blackstone, would be if the husband forced her to marry him. Symbolically, the tradition of feme sole vs. feme covert continues when women choose marriage to keep their names or adopt the husbands name. The concept of feme sole evolved in England during feudal medieval times. The position of a wife to a husband was considered somewhat parallel to that of a man to his baron (the power of a man over his wife continued to be called coverte de baron. As the concept of feme sole evolved in the 11th through 14th century, any woman who worked independently at a craft or a trade, rather than working with a husband, was considered a feme sole. But this status, if held by a married woman, conflicted with ideas about debt being a family debt, and eventually, the common law evolved so that married women could not conduct business on their own without the permission of their husbands. Changes Over Time Coverture, and thus the need for a category of feme sole, began to change in the 19th century, including in the various Married Womens Property Acts passed by states. Some version of coverture survived in United States Law into the last half of the 20th century, protecting husbands from responsibility for major financial obligations incurred by their wives, and permitting women to use as a defense in court that her husband had ordered her to take an action. Religious Roots In medieval Europe, canon law also was important. Under canon law, by the 14th century, a married woman could not make a will (testament) deciding how any real estate she had inherited could be distributed since she could not own real estate in her own name. She could, however, decide on how her personal goods would be distributed. If she was a widow, she was bound by certain rules of dower. Such civil and religious laws were influenced by a key letter from Paul to the Corinthians in the Christian Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 7:3-6, here rendered in the King James Version: 3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. 4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. 5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. 6 But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment. Current Law Today, a woman is considered to retain her feme sole status even after marriage. An example of the current law is Section 451.290, from the Revised Statutes of the state of Missouri, as the statute existed in 1997: A married woman shall be deemed a femme sole so far as to enable her to carry on and transact business on her own account, to contract and be contracted with, to sue and be sued, and to enforce and have enforced against her property such judgments as may be rendered for or against her, and may sue and be sued at law or in equity, with or without her husband being joined as a party.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Rhetorical Analysis Of A Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift
A Modest Proposal†is an essay by Jonathan Swift that gives some type of a solution to the hunger problem in Ireland. Swift espouse an ironic approach that guarantee a surprise ending. At the beginning of the essay, he cornerstones his proposal that will be good for the public and diminish economic troubles. The proposal that Swift advances concerns the selling of poor Irish children to the rich, so that they could suffice as food. In addition, he points out that this will ease the pressures on the poor population as it will earn them sustenance. However, in the end of the essay, Swift adopts a pliable tone, which contrasts significantly with the one he uses at the beginning. This emanates from his indication that he is open to more†¦show more content†¦The poor in the country comprise of beggars and their children, and cottagers and laborers; if the government decides to provide for them, it will result in a serious debt spanning myriad years. Swift’s indicatio n that his proposal is rather cheap, innocent, effectual and easy to adopt is also an indication that the end of the story will be different from what the readers expect. Swift asserts that even the parents of the children who have developed to adolescence would have seconded his idea to solve the problems that they have faced trying to provide for them. In comparison to how the essay concludes, this is an indication that Swift (2007) was also speaking for himself as at the end of the essay he regrets not having children whom he could sell for benefit. The author is successful in his conviction at the end of the essay through offering several reasons for the adoption of his plan. Firstly, he indicates that before any other writers present their proposals concerning the matter, they should spare a moment and consider his ideas that are uniformly cheap, effectual, easy, and innocent. This observation by Swift is to lure opinionated readers to reconsider their position and try to reason in the same line as Swift. Secondly, Swift (2007) provides two reasons which, as he indicates, are the proof that his proposal is viable; they include the factShow MoreRelatedEssay on Rhetorical Analysis of a Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift639 Words  | 3 PagesJohnathan Swift wrote Modest Proposal with the idea to better humanity.. When you first read it you miss what the true message is. You think â€Å"Man this guy is a monster!†or â€Å"He’s sick!†, but once you reach the end the true meaning of the proposal hits you. Wh en Jonathan Swift wrote a Modest Proposal he tried to get his audience to see the problem by taking it and providing an unethical and inhumane solution then using rhetorical devices to bring out people’s emotions. Of the many devices he usedRead MoreThe Shock Factor of A Modest Proposal by by Johnathan Swift 789 Words  | 3 PagesRhetorical Analysis of â€Å"A Modest Proposal†â€Å"A Modest Proposal†by Johnathan Swift was intended to use shock factor as incentive to get the British Parliament to come up with a workable plan to deal with the multitude of poor children in Ireland (Swift). If logic is applied to the proposal, ignoring the fact that the proposal was not meant to be taken seriously and the blatant sometimes over-the-top sarcasm occasionally used, several parts of it would cause an uproar and quite possibly a revolutionRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of A Modest Proposal722 Words  | 3 PagesA Modest Rhetorical Analysis Since its original publishing in 1729, Jonathan Swift’s pamphlet â€Å"A Modest Proposal†has endured for its rhetorical complexity (and sheer satirical absurdities). Through judicious use of ethos (ethical appeal), logos (logical appeal), and pathos (emotional appeal), Swift crafts a sarcastic, insincere, overly embellished argument to address Irelands food shortage and economic crisis meant to simultaneously entice and repulse readers. His audience is explicitly asked toRead MoreJonathan Swift s A Modest Proposal1809 Words  | 8 PagesJonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal is a satirical essay that sardonically uses an outrageous solution to the massive poverty in Ireland. He proposes this lengthy idea of eating children as the solution to the society’s problems. His serious yet hyperbolic and satirical style allows Swift an approach to get people engaged in the difficulties the Irish had to do to survive their everyday life. This essay explores Swiftâ €™s ability to use literary devices and how these techniques advance his idea aboutRead MoreEffective Persuasive Techniques Used By John Donne s `` The Flea ``1480 Words  | 6 PagesEffective Argument Techniques Effective argumentative and persuasive techniques are a course of reasoning aimed at validating or falsifying the truth in an argument. With an in-depth analysis of literature, the perplex intentions of a writer that use such techniques can be revealed. Methods such as logical fallacies, rhetorical devices, and satirical devices are three approaches that construct a piece of work on a more compelling level. Behind these elements of writing, there are a multitude of purposesRead MoreNotes On Reading : Https1593 Words  | 7 Pagesbased on specific questions from below and/or questions using your answers for deeper analysis. We will then further discuss this piece of writing. How does Swift want the reader to view the speaker? What features best describe the â€Å"persona†he adopts? Give examples from the text. Jonathan Swift wants the readers to view him as a pragmatic and heartless realist who has found a solution to a serious issue. Swift used sophisticated diction to list seemingly sensible reasons as to why his horrifyingRead MoreA Good Fat Child1774 Words  | 8 PagesIrish economy a much needed boost, while making it easier for England to deal with its unruly Irish subjects. Swift uses this outrageous concept of selling children as food to deliver a message. One of the most impacting satirical methods Swift utilizes is the statistical analysis he provides in an effort to enhance his satire. Swift goes on to offer statistical support for his proposal and specific data about the number of children to be sold, their weight and price- â€Å"I have reckoned upon a mediumRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of A Modest Proposal 1863 Words  | 8 PagesRhetorical Analysis: A Modest Proposal In â€Å"A Modest Proposal,†Jonathan Swift provides a satirical exploration of the attitudes of the wealthy people towards the underprivileged and poor children in the society. Laymen and intellectuals during the late seventeenth century distributed political pamphlets containing different ideas throughout Ireland. In his essay, Swift utilizes some of the overlooked pamphlets during this period and develops an ironic proposal. As a colony of the British, IrelandRead MoreEssay on Silent Spring - Rachel Carson30092 Words  | 121 Pagesplease visit: Copyright Information  ©2000-2007 BookRags, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The following sections of this BookRags Premium Study Guide is offprint from Gales For Students Series: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, Media Adaptations, Topics for Further Study, Compare
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Free Reflection Essay Free Essays
The effectiveness of â€Å"Learning Exchange†as a tool for improving organizational effectiveness, through knowledge sharing, at Thomson Reuters. Purpose Thomson Reuters is a global information company, headquartered in the Canada, and operates in 93 countries with over 50,000 staff (Thomson Reuters, 2009). Being a knowledge based organization, Reuters was having problems with the flow of knowledge amongst different departments across several countries. We will write a custom essay sample on Free Reflection Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The purpose of this paper therefore is to evaluate the effectiveness of the newly introduced â€Å"Learning Exchange†intranet platform as a tool for increasing knowledge sharing, in an organization where employees perceive the knowledge they have as an â€Å"reward-enhancing-asset†, where rewards are awarded based on what you know and not what you share. Methodology/Approach This paper aims to draw on a number of peer-reviewed journals and articles regarding knowledge sharing as a whole, and more specifically in a reward based competitive culture. The literature would also include theories on pre and post integration strategies for Knowledge Sharing Intranet applications, directed at organizational environments where knowledge sharing or transfer, without a pay benefit, was not the norm. Primary data would include a case study analysis and possible telephone discussions with few staff, in order to ascertain the success of the intranet integration as a method of encouraging knowledge sharing in the organization. Were any pre or post integration processes put into place, and if so, how successful were they at convincing those who had the information to share it with those who did not? Findings Though my eventual findings are not certain, preliminary literature research clearly outlines that the success rate of any Knowledge Management Intranet system is based on the culture of the organization (Ruppel and Harrington, 2001), willingness of staff to accept the application (Goh, 2007), and integration strategies put into place that would encourage all stakeholders to use the intranet (Goh, 2007). These integration strategies may include training programs (before, during and after implementation), communication, and enforcement methods (e.g. restricting access to certain important information, except it is accessed through the knowledge-sharing portal). Based on the preliminary research, I hope to find that the major barrier to the Intranet acceptance was the culture within the organization. I also hope to find that any success/failure recorded was largely dependent on the effectiveness of the integration process that management put into place. Research Limitations; My major limitations to this research would be negotiating access to the organization in order to discuss the effectiveness of the Intranet system as a method of improving organizational knowledge management. I also perceive limitations in the time limit within which I am required to submit this assignment, and also employee unwillingness to discuss a subjective issue regarding the culture within the organization and their perception of its knowledge-withholding reward based culture. Practical implications; The practical implications of this research would be based on the findings of my survey. If the intranet has been ineffective, then the solutions for a more successful approach would be based on the literature review findings that concur with employee perception. However if it has been successful, it would help in developing an approach in which culturally similar organizations could build and implement Knowledge Sharing Intranet Solutions. Originality/value of paper; The results of the finding, whatever implications it may have, would help to confirm whether existing literature accurately define the knowledge sharing culture within reward-based organizations. It would also aid in shedding a new light on integration processes that employees perceive as suitable, when designing and implementing Intranet solutions. Bibliography Issa, R. R., and Haddad, J. (2008) Perceptions of the impacts of organizational cultureand information technology on knowledge sharing in construction. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, Vol. 8 (3), p182-201 McElroy, M. W. (2003) The new knowledge management: complexity, learning and sustainable innovation. KMCI Press Series, Butterworth-Heinemann: London,246pp Nonaka, I. (2005) Knowledge Management: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management, Taylor Francis: New York, 1303pp Pan, S. L., and Scarbrough, H. (1998) A Socio-Technical View of Knowledge Sharing at Buckman Laboratories, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 2(1), p78-91 Reige, A. (2005) Three-dozen knowledge-sharing barriers managers must consider, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 9 (3), p18-35 Smith, P. A. (2005) Knowledge Sharing, The learning organisation: an internationaljournal, Vol. 12 (6), 61pp References Goh, A. S. (2007) Integrating Knowledge Sharing Implementation: Toward An Institutionalized Symbiotic Model. International Journal of AppliedKnowledge Management, Vol. 1 (1), p16-21 Ruppel, C. P., and Harrington, S. J. (2001) Sharing Knowledge through intranets: A study of organizational culture and intranet implementation, IEEE transactions on professional communication, Vol. 44 (1), p37-52 Thomson Reuters (2009) ABOUT US,, (accessed10/10/2009) How to cite Free Reflection Essay, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Poem Hurricane Essay Example For Students
Poem: Hurricane Essay The evil hurricane destroys the landscape by snapping the trees The depressed rain sounds like a baby crying because he did not get his way The corrupt winds hurl the timber around The stern winds sound like a mother yelling angrily at her child The loud thunder sounds as if a baseball is being hit hard by a large baseball bat The crack of trees snapping caused the hurricane to roar There was a low moan of pain traveling through the air The screeches of the hurricane sent shrills down our spines The twirling witch threw rain at our house The stormy clouds were running away from the disasterous battle field The yelping cars were tumbling and somersalting across the freeway The upset hurricane threw down the blazing lightning The tremendous hurricane was a thundering, swirling cloud of death as it spun off baby ice cream cones of terror The terrifying hurricane whistled an unsteady tone as it uprooted our crops and had a tasty snack The gigantic hurricane swept up our homes and left them where they were and didnt bother to use a dustpan The horrifying hurricane weakened our houses with its powerful and terrifying smelling breath The destructive hurricane blew the ocean waves into a wild rage to destroy our unsafe homes The hurricane was a sinister villain destroying beautiful land The noisy hurricane screams and howls like an upset baby Hurricanes are angry grandmothers with gray hair spinning and falling out everywhere The powerful storm was throwing branches like major league baseball pitchers The winds were rushing across the water while whistling a creepy tune with the trees snapping along The hurricane was so angry, she ripped off the barn roof, while her whipping winds chased the cows The repulsive eye sternly watched me as it began to leave Poetry Essays .
Friday, March 27, 2020
Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by
Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States: 1492 – PRESENT First published in 1980, Zinn's book was revised and updated in 1995. The front cover describes the book as a "step toward a coherent new version of American history." The back cover calls the book an "antidote to establishment history." In twenty-three chapters (675 pages with index) and an Afterword, the author offers an alternative history of the United States, claiming to give voice to those whose stories are usually ignored. Instead of writing from the viewpoint of the powerful and elite, he turns to the exploited, even to the victims, of American history. The idea that US history is a story of progress, of national unity and of single-minded pursuit of the American dream, misrepresents what happened, he argues. Need essay sample on "Howard Zinns A Peoples History of the United States: 1492 PRESENT" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Instead of assuming that there really is a "United States" with a single "national interest," he describes history in terms of conflict between different interests. History is usually presented to make people believe the establishment version that glorifies the nation, its leaders, seeing a string of iconic events as almost always representing progress. Calling this the "memory of a state," he says that this history is not really "our history", since "nations are not communities and never have been" (p. 9). He does cover such iconic events as the Civil War (chapter 9) and Vietnam (chapter 18) but focuses on less well know episodes, telling the story from the bottom up, not top down. This made the book attractive and interesting. It is easy, even compelling to read. However, after finishing the book I was not convinced that such a history exists, at least as told unambiguously from an exclusively elite perspective. Zinn may have set up a straw man in order to knock him down. College Students Frequently Tell EssayLab specialists:How much do I have to pay someone to write my assignment online?Specialists propose:Custom Essays - Easy And Quickly With Essaylab.ComBest Student Essay Writing Company Websites That Hire Writers College Essay Writing Service College Essay Writing Service In the process of reconstructing history from the under-side, Zinn covers a great deal of material, beginning with the arrival of Europeans in the Americas. He recounts crimes of genocide, territorial theft and conquest. The settlement of Europeans in the Americas was driven by a morally ambiguous drive," the "the need for space" and "land." In the process of settlement, Indians were dispossessed, cultures destroyed and annihilated (p. 22). Subsequent chapters continue to challenge the idea that the history of the US represents moral and human progress, in a more or less straight line. Chapters show how America's economic and military success rests on the shoulders of many exploited men and women, of blacks, slaves and migrant workers, of those who received little reward or recognition. To reconstruct history from the bottom, Zinn used journals, letters and articles in less well-known magazines as well as work by other historians. Yet the majority of his sources are what could be cal led mainstream, published by respected academic and university presses. Given that he uses a great deal of published material, the claim that his approach is "new" seems suspect. Much material was already available in the books he cites. Chapter 8, "We take nothing by conquest, thank God" is an example of how the book would have benefited from more explicit ideological commentary. Having stated that history always reflects ideology, that he intended to side with the underclass, not with those who want us to believe in a nation committed to the common interest, Zinn sometimes takes too much for granted. At the start of chapter 8, he refers in passing to the Louisiana Purchase that "doubled the territory of the United States" (p. 147). The title of the chapter presumably implies that the US's territorial expansion was qualitatively different from how other nations expanded, because the US purchased Louisiana, so blood was not shed. This, though, does not make sense, because Zinn has already chronicled how Indians were dispossessed, forced to move to new territory and how conflict after conflict took place between Indians and the US. How anyone could ever claim that the US expanded without bloodshed is beyond comprehens ion. Even if the government wanted people to believe that the US spread West peacefully, many people would know that this was not the case, since they were personally involved in bloody events. How could anyone be fooled by a bloodless version of the story? The chapter describes President James Polk's vision of the US stretching from coast to coast, how he maneuvered a confrontation with Mexico with the explicit purpose of gaining territory. Zinn cites enthusiastic support for this project. God was invoked, as was "destiny," "the destiny of the white race" to "march from ocean to ocean" (p. 153). No role here for black people or Indians, except as servants and slaves. Yet there were dissenting voices, voices raised in defense of Mexico and against war. Churches were mainly either "outspoken for the war" or kept silent, with some exceptions. Irish workers went on strike in New York, arguing that what was intended was to extend and perpetuate slavery in the West, which was contrary to the US ideal of "progress." Some Newspapers also protested. How, they asked, would the annexation of half of Mexico "give us more Liberty, a purer Morality, a more prosperous industry, than we have now?" (p. 157). These voices of protest appear to have been vocal at the time, even if they did not carry the day. Zinn did not have to dig too far to find voices on both sides of the debate. Chapter 11, "Robber Barons and Rebels" looks at the great American icons of entrepreneurship, industrial and commercial success. He says that while a few people went from rags to riches, most iconic figures did not start in poverty (p. 248). The Rockeffellers and the Carnegies, he says, rose to the top not only as a result of talent but also by exploiting others, by "choking out competition, maintaining high prices, keeping wages low" and "using government subsidies" (251). After telling the stories of some of the icons of industry, he turns to the unions and workers' associations that demanded better conditions and wages. Again, there is ample material available. Some of these barons are still remembered for their philanthropy, which Zinn does not discuss. Reference to how the National Guard was called out to suppress a strike and "six hundred miners were rounded up and imprisoned in bullpens" (p. 270) is shocking and does not sound like any type of progress, or sharing of the Ameri can dream. Yet does anyone really think that people become millionaires wearing kid gloves, paying everyone fairly and never ever hurting anyone? Is anyone deceived by a one-sided story of how the rich grew rich? Zinn speaks of the need to be "skeptical of governments and of their attempts, through politics and culture, to ensnare ordinary people in a giant web of nationhood pretending to a common interests" (p. 10). However, he does not explain how government controls the academy, which largely comprises private schools and scholars with no particular reverence for the establishment. On the other hand, many ordinary people probably did not think Indians had a right to their land, so did not see equate against them with violence against people. Many subscribed to racist ideas about white superiority. Perhaps they did accept the "government's" version, although it is not altogether clear that this idealistic, official history exists. People know that blacks, Indians and women fought for rights, and still do. Throughout US history, voices spoke against wars, territorial expansion, exploitation and injustice and still do. I would like to have asked Zinn if he really thought that an "official" version of history fools anyone, other than its writers, if such a history exists. Referenses Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States: 1492 - PRESENT." Revised edition, 1995. NY: HarperPerennial.
Friday, March 6, 2020
5 Steps to Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence at Work
5 Steps to Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence at Work Emotional intelligence at work won’t just help you be a better coworker and employee. It is instrumental if you want to become a leader, or a mover and shaker within your field. Figuring out what other people may be thinking, wanting, feeling, and needing, and being sensitive and adaptable to those things will also, of course, make you a better person. Developing these skills would be a win-win personally and professionally, and may just be the secret weapon you need to distinguish yourself and achieve that extra level of success.Here are 5 strategies that you can use to start honing (and eventually mastering) your emotional intelligence at work. Start early and see how your career can change.1. Self-AssessIt’s not just about knowing who you are, or what you like, or even what your wants and needs are. It’s not even merely being honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses. It’s about understanding these things and having the confidence to w ork from within them, with an aim of accepting your current state, but constantly striving to improve. If you master this, and know exactly where and who you are- in work and in life- you’ll be much better equipped to get where you need to go.2. Self-regulateDevelop your inner Zen master. Keeping your cool in a crisis will help distinguish you for leadership. And being disciplined enough to control your emotions and disruptive or destructive tendencies might eventually reroute them entirely. Cultivate calm and positivity. Worst case scenario, you’ll stress much less. Best case, you’ll become the office guru, then Queen of the Universe.3. Practice empathyYou may think your manager or your co-worker is a total jerk, maybe even an incompetent one. But before you write them off, try to imagine being in their shoes. Are there complicating factors in their lives that you may or may not know about that might be affecting their work or behavior? If you can try and imagi ne how others might be feeling, you’ll be better able to feel for them- and able to exercise compassion. The selfish upside here is that you’ll get much better at understanding what motivates people, and able to maneuver yourself and your team accordingly.4. Relate to peopleReal connections are hard to come by. Cultivate them. Don’t just treat people like stepping stones and distractedly try to maintain your relationships. Work at it. It’s much easier to do if you work on #3 and actually listen to and care about people. And it’s crucial for developing #5.5. CommunicateYou’ve heard a million times that effective communication is the biggest key to leadership and real success. That’s probably because it’s true. Cultivating all of the above skills will help you to avoid misunderstandings, miscommunications, bruised feelings, and mixed signals. It will make your team stronger, and it will make you better- at your job and at your li fe. You’ll have a much easier time developing your sense of purpose and working on your own and with your team to achieve that purpose.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Why Women Should Avoid Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Why Women Should Avoid Abortion - Essay Example Reasons against abortion are broad and vary from religious values, human values, as well as the values associated with conscience. Issues related to primary human values appear at the top of reasons why women should not get abortion. It is crucial for women to put into perspective the unborn babies. It is definite that irrespective of the circumstance under which a woman conceived, the unborn child was not responsible in any way (Waxman, 2009, 08). It is necessary to allow the unborn babies enjoy the right of living and growing into a person just as the biological father and mother lived to the level of interacting to bring the child to life. Women in this case, ought to reduce their egoistic elements towards the unborn and be more humanitarian to them as well. Undoubtedly, the unborn kid does not have any clue on how and why it is at the exact place. It is not good to terminate a life without giving it a chance to live fully. Indeed, there are many other mechanisms of resolving related problems. Along with this line of thought, procuring abortion compounds a tragedy. It is understandable that the conditions which a woman conceives are tragic such as a rape and incest. Other occasions include diagnosing the pregnant mother with a health defect that could also include the pregnancy putting the health of the expectant mother at risk. Nonetheless, it is never justified to respond to one tragedy with another one. A critical question to the proponents of abortion is, how does killing a child eradicate rape incidences? If the unborn in the womb of mother is ill, do we cure him by taking his life? In general, the society cannot avoid the all issues arising from health by denying the existence of human beings. It is only recommended that the society puts adequate measures in place to care for raped women compassionately. Compassionate care does not in any way include ending the existence of the child in the womb. Care includes among other actions extending real facts to parents experiencing prenatal complications and directing them to other women wit h experiences that remain helpful to their colleagues.Â
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Machiavelli Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Machiavelli - Essay Example The philosopher believes that a real leader should be cunning as diplomacy as well as war needs this quality. Machiavelli also stresses that rulers should be compassionate but cruel whenever it is necessary. The thinker states that the leader should â€Å"desire to be considered clement and not cruel†but he also â€Å"ought to take care not to misuse this clemency†(Machiavelli 40). Of course, the leaders should be compassionate, which usually results in people’s support. However, to maintain order in the country, it is often important to display certain degree of cruelty to make people respect and even fear the leader. In conclusion, it is possible to note that Machiavelli stresses that the leader should be able to keep the balance between strength and craft, cruelty and compassion. According to the philosopher, the ruler will be able to gain respect and support of his people if he can use force, show compassion, keep the word, and even be able to use craft, as the consequence is more important than the tools
Monday, January 27, 2020
Coach Variables Effect on Motivation and Performance
Coach Variables Effect on Motivation and Performance An Experimental study of the Independent and Interactive Effects of ‘Coach Variables’ on the motivation and performance of Rugby ‘Forwards’ INTRODUCTION Rugby is a hugely popular international sport (UKRFU[1], 2006; USARFU[2], 2006). Two teams of 13 players each, play the sport by kicking, passing, or carrying a ball. In order to win a team must score more ‘points’ than its opponent. Points can be achieved by a ‘try’ (5 points) or a ‘goal’ (3 points). The former entails touching the ball to the ground beyond a line in the opponents half (more points can be earned by performing a ‘place kick’ or drop kick’ conversion). A goal involves kicking the ball over the opponents cross bar (in the form of a penalty kick or drop kick). It is essential that the players are motivated. Research has shown that player motivation is partly dependent on coach variables (Tammen, 1997; Allen Howe, 1998; Cumming, 2002; Reinboth et al, 2004). In particular player aggressiveness, an important aspect of rugby, is influenced by coach input (Abd-Aziz, 1998; Guivernau-Rojas, 2001). Certain coaches are better able to ‘drive’ their players to victory than other coaches, for example by providing better feedback, frequent praise and encouragement, tactical advise, and corrective information. How players perceive their coach is critical (Mavi, 2004). Social psychological on literature (Norman, 1976; Lui Standing, 1989; Aronson, 1995; Eagly Chaiken, 1993; Pornpitakpan, 2004) suggests that characteristics such as credibility, likeability, and trustworthiness, may significantly determine a coaches’ motivational effectiveness. For example, a likeable coach may be more effective at encouraging his ‘forwards’ (‘tight-five’/’front five’ and ‘loose forwards’) to achieve successful try’s and goals. A review of the relevant literature (e.g. ‘PsychINFO’, ‘Academic Search Premier’), revealed a paucity of rugby research in this area. AIMS/HYPOTHESES The study proposed here aims to evaluate the effects of coach variables – credibility, likeability, and trustworthiness – on the performance of rugby players, particularly the ‘tight-five’/‘front-five’ and ‘loose forwards’. Consistent with previous research on communicator variables (e.g. Pornpitakpan, 2004), the following hypotheses are proposed with respect to player/team performance: A credible will achieve more try’s/goals than a non-credible coach. A trustworthy coach will achieve more try’s/goals than an untrustworthy coach. A likeable coach will achieve more try’s/goals than a disliked coach. Interactions (two-way and three-way) between these coach characteristics will influence the achievement of try’s/goals. METHODOLOGY Setting The study will be set up as a field experiment. The setting will be the premises of several local rugby clubs. Design The study will be based on a between-groups experimental design. There will be three independent variables: coach expertise (high/low/placebo/no treatment control), likeability (high/low), and trustworthiness (high/low). This will translate into a 4 x 2 x 2 between groups factorial design, using multivariate analysis of covariance (Coolican, 1994). Thus, in effect, there will be 16 experimental conditions. The dependent variables will consist of players reported motivation (after a match) and the number of successful try’s and goals during a match. Attempts will be made to control for important background variables, including player experience, weight, height, and, baseline motivational levels, and score history. Sample The sample will comprise several different teams of rugby players, recruited from schools, universities, and clubs in the local area. The target (i.e. minimum) sample size is 160 players, with at least 10 players per factorial cell. Stimulus Materials Prior arrangements would have been made with team officials to substitute the original team coaches with a stooge coach. Players will be informed that a new coach will temporarily ‘substitute’ their regular coach, who is unable to attend due to a prior family engagement. Two or three stooge coaches will be used, one for each team. Manipulation of independent variables will occur as follows: (Expertise): players will be informed by the researcher that their new coach is an ex-rugby player with either ≠¥10 years coaching experience or a newly qualified coach with (Likeability): Each stooge coach will act in either a friendly fashion (e.g. smiling, encouraging players), or an unfriendly manner (frowning, denigrating players). (Trustworthiness): Players will be informed either that the stooge coach is getting paid a substantial amount of cash for this one-off job, or is working for free (Aronson, 1995, pp.80-81). (Placebo): Players will receive irrelevant information about the stooge coach (e.g. where they live and marital status), who will act in neutral fashion (i.e. neither friendly or unfriendly). (Control): No information will be provided about the stooge coach, who will try to act in a neutral fashion. A self-report questionnaire will be used to collect baseline data from players on the following: perceived expertise, trustworthiness, and likeability of the stooge coach, and background variables including prior rugby experience, weight, height and score history. This questionnaire will also be used to assess current (i.e. pre-treatment) motivational levels and perform manipulation checks for each coach variable (i.e. expertise, likeability, trustworthiness). The study will be carried out during a series of rugby matches played in the local area. A ‘Game Day Check List’ (USARFU, 2006) will be used to work out the most appropriate time to brief players. Prior to each match each participating rugby team will be randomly assigned to one experimental condition. Particular attention will be paid to the ‘forwards’ or ‘pack’ (i.e. players 1-8). Players will be asked to complete the baseline questionnaire, as part of a general survey on the profile and interests of rugby players in the UK. They will also be informed about the use of a substitute coach, and given the appropriate background information regarding expertise and trustworthiness. After each match players will complete the baseline questionnaire, and then be debriefed. Data will be analysed using a multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA), performed on SPSS (Field, 2002). Background variables will be treated as the covariates (i.e. control variables). A local Ethics Committee will review this project. It will conform to ethical guidelines of the British Psychological Society (BPS, 1993). Thus, the study will not involve any unnecessary deception, invasion of privacy, pain, injury, or discomfort, or violation of any legal requirements. Furthermore, all information collected from subjects will be strictly confidential. TIME SCALE The study will be conducted over a 12 month period. Month 1: Pilot study Month 2 to 3: Administration of Stimulus Materials Data Collection Month 4 to 5: SPSS Data Entry, Editing, and Analysis (MANCOVA) Month 6 to 8: Write Up Month 9 + : Dissemination of Findings DISSEMINATION OF FINDINGS Findings will be disseminated through conference presentations and Journal publications. It is planned that a paper will be presented at the 12th European Congress of Sports Psychology (4-7 September, 2007, Halkidiki, Greece). A paper will also be submitted to the Journal of Applied Sports Psychology or British Journal of Sports Medicine or International Journal of Sports Psychology, all of which are particular useful outlets for targeting academic audiences. REFERENCES Abd-Aziz, S.B. (1998) Aggressive tendencies in Malaysian youth soccer: an examination of individual and contextual factors. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section A:- Humanities and Social Sciences. 59 (5-B), 2480. Allen, J. Howe, B.L. (1998) Player ability, coach feedback, and female adolescent athletes’ perceived competence and satisfaction. Journal of Sport Exercise Psychology 20, pp.280-299. Aronson, E. (1995) The Social Animal. New York: Freeman. BPS (1993) Code of Conduct, Ethical Principles and Guidelines. Leicester: British Psychological Society. Coolican, H. (1994) Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. London: Hodder Stoughton. Cumming, S.P. (2002) A bio-psychosocial investigation of self-determined motivation in recreational and travel youth soccer programs. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section A:- Humanities and Social Sciences. 63 (5-A), 1765. Eagly, A.H. Chaiken, S. (1993) The Psychology of Attitudes. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Field, A. (2002) Discovering Statistics using SPSS for Windows. London: Sage. Guivernau-Rojas, M. (2001) The impact of motivational and moral variables on aggressive tendencies in sport. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section A:- Humanities and Social Sciences. 62 (6-B), 2990. Lane, A.M., Rodger, J.S.E. Karageorghis, C.L. (1997) Antecedents of state anxiety in rugby. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 84, pp.427-433. Lui, L. Standing, L.G. (1989) Communicator credibility: trustworthiness defeats expertness. Social Behaviour Personality. 17, pp. 219-221. Mavi, H.F. (2004) The relationship among dispositional, contextual variables, and intrinsic motivation in high school teams sports. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section A:- Humanities and Social Sciences. 65 (3-A), 876. Norman, R. (1976) When what is said is important: a comparison of expert and attractive sources. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 12, pp.294-300. Pornpitakpan, C. (2004) The persuasiveness of source credibility: a critical review of five decades’ evidence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 34, pp.243-281. UK Rugby Football Union (2006) Play [online] RFU Official Site, [Accessed 31 July 2006] USA Rugby Football Union (2006) USA Rugby [online] Rugby Channel, [Accessed 1 August 2006]. Tammen, V.V. (1997) Coach and athlete goal orientations: congruence of orientations and affects on athlete satisfaction and commitment. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section A:- Humanities and Social Sciences. 57 (11-A), 4687. Footnotes [1] UK Rugby Football Union [2] USA Rugby Football Union
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Islam’s Problems come from within Essay
* Criticism of propaganda type which world leaders try to persuade the world â€Å"this isn’t about Islam†* Rushdie argues that by giving examples how it is a) support of Bin Laden b) the Islamic together coming for the jihad c) the anti-Semitism blaming Jews for the September 11th issues etc. * Rushdie suggests a reasoning for the above written from fear of the west taking over there old-fashioned traditional way of life. * He emphasizing how â€Å"it is about Islam†: many political movements are now guided by radical Islamic organizations such as the revolutionary Shiite of Iran or the Taliban. * Rushdie continues by introducing a vital key point to his article. He criticizes such political groups for blaming outsiders for all â€Å"the ills of Muslim societies.†He then suggests that they are to accept responsibility of their problems and then they may be able to solve their problems by themselves. * Rushdie continues by showing how many Muslims are beginning to ask themselves such questions. He gives some specific examples of intellectuals of the Muslim world relating to that question. * He concludes by suggesting that the way to overcome the problem with terrorism today is by secularist-humanist principles which must be taken on by the Islam. In terms of what we have learned, we would have to say that Rushdie argument is valid. We can come to that conclusion by simply looking at his arguments; Rushdie doesn’t introduce new information in his conclusions relating to an argument. If the question of validity refers to the fact that Islam is the topic related to the terror attacks in September, then the argument can well be valid to a certain extent. However, it would morally be wrong to blame a religion for this mass murdering, as we know that generalizing that all Muslims are murders, is wrong and invalid. Although, one could argue the majority of the arguments Rushdie makes, the way he wrote them they are valid. Rushdie presumably has a strong historical knowledge to support his articles’ arguments. However, I believe a great deal of emotions came in play while expressing himself. We must not forget that Rushdie’s experience with the Islamic, (in direct reference to the fact he was ordered to be killed by a major Islamic leader) hence a possible bias on the issue. I fully understand such a standpoint as that of Rushdie; I too, when am asked to support my countries’ actions in regard to the Palestinian terror attacks, tend to become emotional and very protective. Therefore I understand the pressure release Rushdie experiences while expressing himself. Therefore I can also say from experience that I do not think that in such a state Rushdie would exaggerate to a point of absurd.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Nursing Home Carez Advocacy, Inc Marketing Plan
MM522 Marketing Plan Of Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc. Sherry Y Montique December 11, 2011 Marketing Management 1. 0 Executive Summary Where would you want to live if you needed daily assistance? In your home, of course. Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy aims to be a guiding factor in transitioning you or your loved one into that new home. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities have become an indelible part of our health care landscape. These facilities provide 24 hour inpatient nursing and supportive care to residents whose disability or condition necessitate the availability of nursing care on an extended basis. It is estimated that over 40% of Americans will use one of these entities at some point in their lives. Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc is committed to helping people live better. Simply put our goal is getting the community the help it needs to care for the people they love. The nucleus is to educate the elderly population who are in transition from one phase of their lives to another. Through specialized training and experience, of the two personnel the operation of NHCA is to assist the unwilling aging and disable population with the unwanted transition of being admitted into a nursing home or assisted living community. Because this of life altering process can be deemed traumatic because of the unfamiliarity, many of the residents are confused and unhappy with the impending experience that lies ahead. Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy will be there to walk the resident and families through this process with as less stress as possible as they adjust to their new home with as much pride and knowledge possible. As the services of NHCA are uncharted there will be critical issues to overcome however; to ensure that the business is successful Nursing Home CareZ will create an aggressive market strategy to include direct marketing, networking, and creating community relationships to continually garner referral sources. Staying on top of the ever changing needs of the aging population and following the Medicare and Medicaid regulations will keep Nursing Home CareZ aligned with the target market. Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy’s marketing mix will comprise the approaches of pricing, product, promotion and distribution. The 1st years start up cost to include the integrated marketing communication budget is $13,320. 00. Market research showed the need for this service because of the continual growth of the aging population and the inability of family members being able to take care of their loved ones at home. With this reality, long term care facilities will continue to be the place required to provide the care to our seniors and persons with disabilities or short term medical care. The marketing plan will assist NHCA in the following areas to gauge performance: * Revenue and Expenses monthly * Customer satisfaction * Success of community involvement and relationship building Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc. will position itself as the premier first line of contact to long term care transition. The positioning will ensure leveraging to gain a competitive edge in the industry with knowledge, integrity and a passion to help others. NHCA, expects to become profitable by the end of the 1st year, and has projection of $240. 000 in gross revenue for year two. 2. 0 Situation Analysis: Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy Inc. time line for inception is immediate, with a targeted goal of 6 months to 1 year. Issues facing the successful creation of this company would be the lack of education and knowledge of long term care and regulations, laws, rights and processes of Medicare and Medicaid. The community partners could contribute to the critical issues if social worker and community case managers and such failed to refer potential consumers to the company for services. However, the management skills, experience and vast knowledge base of NHCA, Inc. will provide a solid base for the target market to have a successful transaction into any long term care facility. 2. 1 Market Summary In this century, the rate of growth of the elderly population (persons 65 years old and over has greatly exceeded the growth rate of the population of the century as a whole (U. S. Census Bureau, 2011). The elderly increased by a factor of 11, from 3 million in 1900 to 33 million in 1994 (U. S. Census Bureau, 2011). In the comparison, the total population, as well as the population less than 65 years old, tripled (U. S. Census Bureau,). Under the Census Bureau’s middle series projections, the number of persons 65 years old and over would more than double by the middle of the next century to 80 million (U. S. Census Bureau, 2011). According to the U. S. Census Bureau, it reported the aging population of persons 65 years and older, numbered 39. 6 million in 2009. They represented 12. 9% of the U. S. population, about one in every eight Americans. By 2030, there will be about 72. 1 million older persons, more than twice their number in 2000. People 65+ growth will report as 19% of the population by 2030. (U. S. Census Bureau, 2011 and Administration on Aging, 2011) Today’s census reports that the total US population in 2010 was 308, 745,538 up 9. 7% from 2000. Of that number 13. % are persons 65 years and older. This is makes up for more than 50% of the adult population. The Census Bureau projections seem to be heading in the right direction. (U. S. Census Bureau, 2011) Shirley Chisholm once said, â€Å"Service is the rent we pay for the time we live on this earthâ€Å". (Women’s History, 2011) Changes in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid may force older adults to ma ke unforeseen changes in their lifestyle in order to remain independent. Long term care is an option that most dread due to the lack of affordable and accessible placement options available to them. Today, almost 80% of Americans are living beyond the age 65. Forty percent of Americans age 65 or older will require Long Term Care before death (McMahon, 2009). With this impending implosion in growth of baby boomers, nursing homes and assisted living will continue to be the option for ongoing care of our elderly. As families are forced to place their loved ones into nursing homes and assistant living facilities, there is so much to take in and they will need to have a full understanding of their options in this transition. Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc. ill be there to assist those residents and family members with understanding the woes of the transition into their new life and hold their hand through the process. 2. 2 SWOT Analysis Strengths: * 20 years in the health care industry with 10 years of strong middle management experience * 5 years in the long term care industry as a Business Office Manager * Vast knowledge of what is needed for successful transition/admission and s tay at nursing homes * Strategic alliance with hospital case managers, social workers and community agencies and lawyers * In house Notary Public Strong knowledge base of existing governmental regulations as they relate to long term care Weaknesses: * Company has no brand recognition * Owner has very limited experience as a full time advocate in this field * Low to no financial capital; limited startup funds * Owner is not a licensed social or case worker * In home startup business * No establish network connections for community resources Opportunities: * Expand business to cover larger geographical area * Possible growth potential to bring on employees based on need and experience * Find location and create building space to accommodate larger client base * Potential growth through use of social media and client referrals * Potential contract/ referral source with existing long term care facilities to act on their behalf Threats: Recessionary economy means the potential clients may not be willing to spend * Target market financial resources may hinder their ability to seek the services of the company * Competitive market of existing adult and aging services may prevail because of brand name * Governmental rules and regulations may change and the need for advocacy may diminish * Nursing homes and assisted living organizations may employ staff to provide the same services 2. 3 Competition The Department of Health and Human Services under the guidance of the Security of Health and Human Services, created Medicare and Medicaid programs with grant funding to assist families of all ages to live and survive on a dignified level. With our aging population, the need to focus on their care came to the forefront, so Medicaid State programs were created to pay for home health services including skilled nursing care, home health care, personal care, chore services, and durable medical equipment. (Center for Medicare & Medicaid 2011) The target market can qualify for Medicaid in order to receive the following services through the referral source of Aging and Adult agencies. Depending on the needs of an individual, the target market may receive help with personal needs such as bathing, dressing, cooking, and cleaning from a home health agency while at home with family members. Because of certain insurance guidelines, licensed healthcare workers can only give these skilled nursing services and other medical services. Skilled nursing care ncludes services and care that can only be performed safely and correctly by a licensed practical nurse (LPN), registered nurse (RN), or physical therapist. Most seniors and families are unfamiliar with these types of services and do not have a clue how to obtain them. That is where organizations such as those listed below come into play. Aging and Adult Services, located in Norristown, Pa offers their services to the residents of Montgomery County Pennsylvania, is one of the compe ting agencies that Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc. (NHCA) has to contend with. AAS offers many different services to the senior market such as care management, family caregiver support program, domiciliary care, nursing home transition, and protective services to their clients. 2 services that AAS provide which are direct threats or competitive to the existence of NHCA are the Information and Referral (I&R), and Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment, and Pre-Admission Assessment services collectively. These services assist the community with the pre-knowledge base of the potential admission into nursing homes or assisted living facilities. The Information and Referral service attempts to link consumers with appropriate resources. I & R are available to the consumer by calling or visiting any of their agency’s five offices. (MCAAS. montcopa. org 2011). The Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment and the Pre-Admission Assessment services offer the consumer assessments to determine whether they are appropriate for placement into long-term care facilities and at what level. With these services Aging and Adult can then refer the consumer or their loved ones or families to nursing facilities in their geographical areas. They then can provide them with a list of items that will assist them with this new change in their life style or transition. (mcaas 2011) COSA is the other agency that will be a threat to NHCA as it provides very similar services of Aging and Adult but, to the consumer or residents of Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Their mission/goal is to provide or enable senior citizens to maintain their independence and dignity, while living on their own with community resources available to them. (COSA 2011) COSA receives federal and state funding because they serve as Area Agency on Aging. COSA is slight different from Aging and Adult services because their main goal is helping the senior population to remain in their home as long as possible, even when they are eligible for nursing home care. They are encouraging the families of the senior to help provide the care that is needed in a home based as opposed to in a long-term care facility. COSA is an informational resource service for person of any age needing assistance on benefits and services available to the older person. COSA 2011) With each of these two organizations services they offer many community based services for seniors and their families, but with Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy Inc. , it will provide the personal one on one care that the resident and family need to make the transition into the nursing home or assist living. Nowhere in the market research was it uncovered that this type of service is offered or provided with Aging and Adult or COSA. Now, is there a possibility that there is a potential for th is service to one day be added, yes. However, the target market is plentiful enough to allow for this. The population of the aging adults continues to grow which will allow for the need of referral resources, which the aging and adult program will continue, just as NHCA can expand and grow with the population. With researching potential competition to this new company, it was found that The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in association with Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) sponsored the Nursing Home Transition Demonstration Program which is designed to provide transition options to nursing home residents who wish to move back into the community. The grant funded service was given to 12 states in 1998 with Pennsylvania being one of the state’s fortunate to participate. (ASPE. HHS. gov 2011) This type of service is not considered a threat to the organization however, it is very similar but works on the back end of residents that are living in nursing homes or assist living. These are great resources to return into the community to continue to live happy and productive lives. 2. 4 Product (Service) Offering Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc. s an independent company that will be there to assist those in need of understanding the process of being admitted into a long-term care facility. This process is considered life altering and many people are confused and unhappy about what is about to happen to themselves or their loved one. Services being offered are designed to help alleviate the stress of dealing with the pressures of this change. The service will assist families and the target market while transitioning and adjust ing into a new phase of life. There are many questions and situations that come with moving into long term care nursing and often the families and residents are not prepared and need someone to hold their hands during this process. Families of newly admitted residents into nursing homes, find themselves unknowledgeable of what to expect and thus unprepared to place their loved one in the home. Because of this they make decisions that could backfire and cause damages or add additional stress of the move. Some families have a power of attorney, some are guardians and some are just the family and they are not sure what they can and cannot do for their loved one. Through extensive research it was determined; there is a need for this service. Experience and working practice of the potential owner of NHCA revealed the need was great and something was missing from the target markets’ transition process into the long term care facility. Intervention was required to assist the consumer so the business solution was created. As the Business Office Manager of a nursing home, the target market and families come into the facility with questions as to the appropriate way of handling the admission process according to the guidelines and rights set by Medicare and Medicaid. The major concern often that residents and families have is related to the financial aspect of being admitted into the long-term care facility and how to handle the legal process. Nursing home admission personnel and the social workers of the hospital are often unknowledgeable of this aspect and cannot provide the correct answers. When the medical need for a person to transition into a nursing home or assisted living has been determined, the referral process beings by searching for an appropriate facility based on the need of the resident. One factor that comes up in the search is the cost of the facility and most importantly, who will pay for this stay? This question can easily be answered with throwing out numbers or by saying; â€Å"you will not have to pay for a thing, your health insurance will cover it†. Well, the truth is, that is not totally correct. This is where the expertise of Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc. ill come into play. Explaining this process in detail and walking the client through the steps is a part of the benefits of the company. There is more to transitioning into a long-term care facility, then health insurance. The consumer has to have an assessment done to determine if the resident was appropriately placed and for how long. Once this happens then the resident can be made a ware of the financial responsibility. There may be internal personnel that can assist residents and families with this information, but they can only intercede to such level, because it becomes a conflict of interest. Nursing homes can only assist to a point without affecting the rights of the resident. With NHCA, the resident will have the personal care of someone being there to help gather all of the necessary items, to make the stay at home successful. This would not be limited to, use of a notary public a minimal or no cost. Direction and assistance on completing Power of Attorney request. Help with completing the Medical Assistance Long Term Care grants and gathering of the documents needed to ensure eligibility of the grant. Residents often require a guardian over their person and medical needs and NHCA can assist with locating attorneys to assist with this process. Some of the target market have homes or apartments in the community and they are assessed as appropriate to return to the community after a short stay in the home and they are unsure of how to handle the payment of household bills while in the nursing facility, NHCA services can explain the most helpful way of approaching this obstacle by contacting those vendors and arranging the most appropriate solutions. Listed below are some examples of the services Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy Inc. will provide, to the target market: * Medicaid long term care grant application completion assistance * Notary public * Financial Management assistance * Power Attorney guidance * Guardianship Process assistance * Hands on assistance with documentation gathering * Notification to community vendors of residents’ inability to pay * Assistance with selling of home in the community and placement of personal possessions * Personal banking assistance Assistance with setting up transportation for personal needs outside of nursing facility * Referral source for family services to cope with the stress of loved ones being in the home * Attend resident medical care conferences with the family to provide additional support * Referral source to personal care aides while in nursing facility * Home Modification assistance (designed for return back home to community) * Question filtering (provide answers to all qu estions or direct to local answers) When doing the market search development, it was discovered that this need was not totally being met. Two examples were: Rosemarie has a sister who recently entered into a nursing facility and the sister has a trust fund that determines her to be a private pay resident for about one year. Towards the end of the year, Rosemarie will need to complete a Medicaid application for her sister and she truly was confused as to what was needed and the steps to follow in completing the application. She requires assistance to complete the application and she had many questions. The nursing facility was only able to assist to a certain degree, but Rosemarie still needs help. This is where Nursing Home CareZ Advocate Inc. could assist Rosemarie to help her sister to continue to receive the care she receives and deserves while in her nursing home. Another, example is Virginia. Virginia has been admitted into a nursing home with her medical insurance as her primary payer source. The consumer was given the information that her insurance will cover the stay in the nursing home for the entire time. The resident found out that the information was false. The health insurance decided to stop paying in the middle of the stay. The consumers’ personal finance was not as those of Rosemarie’s sister. Virginia did not have the money and thus she needed to apply for a Medical Assistance grant for the nursing home. She also did not understand her responsibility and was not comfortable with the staff of the nursing home to provide her with the correct information for her benefit. Again, this would be a great opportunity for her to utilize NHCA, an outside neural party, to walk her through this process while providing her comfort in knowing she is secure in making her decisions. 2. 5 Keys to Success For Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy Inc. to be successful, the company must continue to stay on top of the ever changing needs of the aging population. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid regulations are very important to the viability of long-term care services and NHCA must be able to provide services that align with the rights of said target market. This being said means, having a vast knowledge of the regulations and the rights of the consumer once in the nursing facility. The main selling point is being available to answer any and all road blocks that the target market may encounter. Having the resources and referral knowledge is a critical piece to the success of the business. The competition provides a huge referral base to the target market, so NHCA will need to keep the networking window open to expand the knowledge offering. Another factor NHCA will need to be success is to maintain a high level of ethics, trust and moral character while working for and with the target market. The aging population came from a time when your work ethics and your loyalty meant something. Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy Inc. ill be based with the desire to help the target market of the aging population and make the transition and stay in the long term care facility as comfortable as possible and stress free as possible. Communication will be another key factor to success. 2. 6 Critical Issues Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy Inc. as a service based company will need to do the following items to get the word out and advertise its’ benefit to the potential target market, the aging population. The marketing strategy will begin by utilizing the internet by creating a web page describing the company’s service ability. It will also utilize networking with nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and continuum care facilities, local hospital social workers and community case workers, community event planning, in-services’, visits to senior centers and adult day centers, and by creating relationships with the community areas on aging referral agencies. 3. 0 Marketing Strategy The key to the marketing strategy is to focus on meeting the needs of the elderly persons, persons requiring inpatient long term care needs and the families who love them. The children would like what is best for their parents and loved ones along with peace of mind, and relief from guilt while assisting them with the transition into long term care nursing. Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc can provide this service to them and more while ensuring their loved one maintains their existing quality of life, dignity, respect and pride. NHCA is able to address the questions and concerns of the market segments because, of the compassion it possesses and the vast knowledge foundation of long term care services. . 1 Mission Statement Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc is committed to helping people live better. Simply put our goal is getting the community the help it needs to care for the people they love. The nucleus is to educate the elderly population who are in transition from one phase of their lives to another. Founded in 2011, NHCA’s vision is to provide assistance, guidance and knowledge to the desires of long term care bound individuals. Nursing Ho me CareZ strives to challenge the perceptions of long term care. The NHCA team passionately pursues excellence, and accountability in providing future residents and families the tools necessary for a happy, healthy and productive life in the nursing facility. With the goal of arming the clients with the knowledge required to promote independence and self-esteem, the Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy team will help people live better lives, one life at a time. Values are fundamental to every organization’s success. It is with this in mind that Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc will effectively demonstrate the core values of respect, integrity, pride, compassion, responsiveness and dignity. These principles will guide the actions and foundation of its existence. We strive for a nurturing atmosphere that encourages this organization as it ensures these values are touched by all in the community it serves. 3. 2 Marketing Objectives * Build Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc Name Recognition in the community and among referral sources. * Become #1 choice among referral source with assisting families in transitioning into assisted living or skilled nursing services * Focus on relationship marketing techniques Develop/implement marketing ideas to increase professional referrals * Inform target audience (those needing immediate in-patient nursing care) about features and benefits of our product and its competitive advantage, leading to a 10 percent increase in sales in one year. * Develop campaign/program to build the Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy brand consisting of (but not limited to) special events and relationship-building tactics. * Increase a steady stream in marketing pre sence * Maintain positive and strong growth each quarter (based on hospital and assisted living census) 3. 3 Financial Objectives * Raise adequate funding for start-up Begin development implementation for the on-going funding needs of years two and three * To acquire 60 to 70 clients/potential residents within the first six months of start-up * Increase the profit margin by 1% per quarter (based on hospital census) through effective marketing relationship with community based organizations To fund the start up cost Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy has secured a low interest loan for $20,000 and pulled personal finances of $10,000. One of the largest items that NHCA will acquire in the start of the start-up budget is a computerized medical records system to track the client base. The other start-up needs are minimal in cost and can be managed. The cost for each client to receive services from NHCA will range $250. 00 for minimal services to $1000. 00 for full service. A successful first year would bring in $120. 000in revenue. In order for NHCA to meet the goal of the first six months target of $60,000, the client base will need to be at least 60 residents at $1,000. 00 per case. However, the business would be on track for its goals if the six month mark would come in at $45,000. That would allow for 10 clients at $750. 00 per case. If the business begins on this track, the target goal of 1% in the 3rd and 4th quarter will be met. 3. 3 Target Markets The overall populations we wish to serve are older people (65 and older), in need of daily assistance, who value community and the contributions of their peers. According to the US Census Bureau the 2010 census poll reported persons 65 years and older to be 1,959,307. (US Census 2011) â€Å"The percentage of the population over 75 is growing rapidly, thanks to better nutrition, preventative health care, and living conditions in our country over the course of the last century, not to mention the Baby Boomers. At the same time, the increasing kinds of career opportunities for women, and the growing cost of health care, have contributed to a nursing shortage which threatens the quality of professionally-provided elder care. †(Bplans – 2011) â€Å"Almost half the workforce today is female, meaning that most workers male and female have no one at home to provide care to older ailing or infirm relatives. †(Bplans 2011 – â€Å"Moen and Yu 2000†) As families are forced to place their loved ones into nursing homes and assistant living facilities, they will need to have a full understanding of their options in this transition. The Census analysis of the 20 mile-radius of the business base area indicates a large concentration of individuals over 65 years of age (38. 5%). This target area will include a cross over into two adjoining counties; Montgomery County and Delaware County. This is a combine population of the 1,388,853 county residents in Pennsylvania. Total population in Montgomery County in 2010 was 799,874. Demographics include 79. 0% Caucasian; 8. 7% African American, 6. 4% Asian, 4. 3% Hispanic or Latino and 2. 0 % of persons reported as other race or two or more races. 51. 5% of the population was female. 8. 5 were male. 26. 1% of the target market lives alone and 9. 95 living with others (family members). The age breakdown of seniors is 60-64(4. 0%), 65-74 (7. 4%), 75-84 (5. 5%), and 85 years and older (2. 0%) totaling 165,924 persons. (US Census 2011) Total population in Delaware County was 588,979 in 2010. The demographics include 14. 3% persons were 65 years and older. The age breakdown for seniors is 60-64 (5. 3%), 65-74 (6. 7%), 75-84 (5. 1%), and 85 years and older (2. 5%) totaling 109,394 persons. 52. 1% was female and 47. 9 were male. 72. 5% of the population was white; 19. % was African American; 4. 7% was Asian; 3. 0% was Hispanic or Latino and 2. 2% was persons of other races. Median household income in 2009 was $61,848 and home ownership was 72. 2%. Persons below poverty level reported at 9. 3%. Persons aged 25 years and older with graduate degrees reported 34. 4%. 27. 4% of the target market in Delaware County lives alone. (US Census 2011) Of the 275,318 potential target market needing the services of Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, has been reduced by 60% given the factors of persons healthy enough to care for themselves and having family member to care for them. The number becomes 96,361 persons 65 and older in both counties. This number may appear low but in actuality it is significantly high. These people will need nursing home care or already receive care base on their medical needs. The target market of 96,361 can become potential clients/customers in need of answers and solutions to the process of admittance into a long term facility. Of these potential clients who live in sub-counties which are within 12-16 miles of the home office, it is estimated about 35 %( 26,499. 28) will have the means $250 to $1000 ($68,333. 50 average Median income) to pay for the services. Based on the 2010 census data from US Census. com) The target market also refers to the influencer, the family member of the persons needing long term care services. An Adult child of the prospective resident, 35– 70 years of age, married with children, and lives nearby or in another city or state. He or she currently provides some assistance to the parent and their s earch for a long term care facility is prompted by an incident or recommended by healthcare professional. Their need is quick and they are usually on a schedule – most often come to us in a crisis mode. (phdmkt. om 2011) During the research process to zero in on the target market, it was discovered the market could be expanded to cover persons aged less than 65 years of age, because of the mounting need for nursing home services based on medical needs. Based on marketing conversations there are persons who live alone and are unable to care for themselves or require more than a home aid every so often to care for them. NHCA has the potential to expand the market base to include those persons. This market group could produce a quick turnaround by getting well faster and discharging home, thus allowing for new clients. Medical care needs will never cease and long term care needs will always be at a forefront therefore, Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy can easily develop a large client base and expand to more counties inside Pennsylvania within the next three to five years. 3. 5 Positioning Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc will position itself as the premier first line contact of long term care transition. This positioning will be achieved by leveraging NHCA’s competitive edge: existing industry experience and knowledge, integrity, community relationships, and a passion to help others. NHCA is a hands-on resource service that aims to assist the elderly population with transitioning into the long term care phase of their lives with ease and self respect. Dealing with health issues is worrisome as it is without having to enter into a nursing home or such, and not understanding all that is involved in the process. With the impending implosion in the growth of baby boomers, and unexpected medical needs, nursing homes and assisted living communities will continue to become an option of the future. With this being the case, the management team of NHCA will be able to use its vast industry knowledge, practice skills and personal passion for helping others to assist the clients gain the understanding required to help the transition into long term care become a difficult free and dignified occurrence. 3. 6Strategies The single most important objective of Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc is to position itself as the premier long care term advocacy informational provider, serving the elderly and medical needs targeted market even if they are not in the age bracket of the senior population. The marketing strategy of NHCA will focus on meeting the needs of the elderly persons, persons requiring inpatient long term care needs and the families who love them. The company will focus on creating customer awareness concerning what services are being offered, which will support in developing the customer base. The point that NHCA will seek to communicate to its target market is that it offers the best education and personal service to the elderly population who are in transition from one phase of their lives to another. Providing future residents and families of long term care the tools essential for a happy, healthy and productive life in the nursing facility is the primary goal. This message will be transpire through a variety of methods. The first will be the Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy Web site, which will provide a source of service information and offer the consumer the opportunity a free consultation to discuss their concerns. Time will be devoted into ensuring the site will provide as much information about the company, the owners, and its professionalism so the customer will come away with a since of comfort n knowing that they will be taken care of during this unexpected time in their lives. Other avenues of marketing methods will be local advertising. The target areas will be local nursing homes, community resource services, hospitals, senior center, and day programs and doctors offices. The goal is to leave brochures, business cards and leaflets with the social workers, office managers o r care workers of each entity. Information will also be sent out at the request of those who viewed the web site. The cost to produce the printed literature will be minimal as it will be on the need bases and much will be found on the web site. Another method will be the use of the social media. This is where the cost of advertising will be the least to non-existent. Social media sites of today have thousands of people on them and it will be a brilliant way of promoting the service and the company. Word of mouth will also be an excellent communicator. 3. 7 Marketing Mix Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc’s marketing mix is comprised of the following approaches to pricing, product, promotion, and place/distribution. Pricing – The pricing strategy used by NHCA is a mix between penetration and psychological pricing to capture a gain in the market share and once this is achieve the price will increase slightly. This will also be based on a sliding scale of financial qualification and the service needs of each client. When the idea was created it was determined that the focus was not on high profits, rather on serving the greater good and those who require assistance at living a more. It was mentioned that the cost for each client to receive services from NHCA will range $250. 0 for minimal services to $1000. 00 for full service. A successful first year will bring in $120,000. 00 in revenue. In order for NHCA to meet this target goal at the end of the first fiscal year, the client base will need to be at least 120 potential residents at $1,000. 00 per case. However, business would be on track to cover its expenses and still maintain a place in the market if at the end of the six month the rev enue is at $45,000. That would allow for 10 clients at $750. 00 per case per month. As the business grows, the revenue budget can increase to double in year two to $240,000. 0 which constitute additional 120 clients or more based on the service needs required. Place/Product – Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy, Inc will be a direct channel service provider. With the sensitivity of medical care and needs, which are private and personal in nature the market segment for NHCA, as consultant of services will be best suited at handling the distribution of service. Many of the clients will come through referral sources. The location of the company is a home office, set up to accommodate 2 desks, a conference table for 4 and seating for 3. The approach to potential clients will be hands on. After receiving the referral of a person requesting help or has concerns with transitioning into a long term care facility, they will be contacted via telephone to introduce the company, determine the need and set up a meeting. For those families that are unable to come to the office for a meeting, NHCA will go to them. Meeting the resident at the hospital or nursing home will never be an issue. Assuring the resident or family is extremely comfortable with the process is important. The outcome of success knows, the client has a full understanding of what happened to them or their loved one and the transition was smooth and done with dignity. Educating and empowering the client is a number one goal of NHCA and this will happen as the client is walked through the move. Once the client accepts the services of NHCA, the next step is answering all questions, assist with paperwork required for the admission process or with the Medical Assistance application based on financial need. A transition into a long term care facility can be nerve raking, confusing and full of anxiety for the strongest and healthiest person however, with that being said finances always becomes an issue. Past knowledge and statistics show that nursing homes or assistant living facilities have gained reputations for taking everything from their residents upon admission to their facilities. Educating and empowering the client on their rights and responsibilities is a number one goal of NHCA and this will happen as they are walked through the new phase of life. If the resident requires assistance with banking, guardianship or contacting community vendors, NHCA will be there to handle this for the resident or family member. Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy will assist the resident or family until all matters have been conducted and the residents’ stay is secure and free of financial concerns. IMC Promotion â€Å"Your way home is through our caring hands†. Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy will be dedicated to providing the highest level of quality service with compassion and commitment through exceptional standards for the aging population. It is the hope of NHCA, that the residents and families who seek assistance will receive thoughtful, quality care today and tomorrow. Integrated Marketing Communications Budget Quite a few advertising efforts will be used to promote the business. The marketing mix will consist of direct marketing, social media, the company’s web site and some advertising. Promoting the business will start with promoting myself as the owner and founder. Creating a bio to hand out to the local referral sources will begin the promotional stage of getting off the ground running. Exposing the business to Special Events, Open Houses, Healthcare Fairs, Senior Expos, etc, identify local groups, churches, senior groups, etc. nd build Nursing Home CareZ’ reputation as â€Å"source†for aging issues through seminars/lectures, and educate the local communities about senior living options. The promotional process will follow as: * Print advertising * Direct mail * Broadcast advertising on radio (or Internet sites or social media) Advertise by visiting the local hospitals, senior community centers, local churches, the area M edicaid public assistance offices and adult and aging organizations to introduce myself and hand out business cards, flyers or brochures. There is minimal cost in visiting with the exception of handing out business cards and brochures. Cost of purchasing 5000 business cards is $55. 00 and the creating custom brochures cost is $800. 00. Advertise on several of the social media sites to utilize the word of mouth affect. Face Book, Twitter, Blogs, Linked In, Biznik and on Craig’s List. The social media has been prone to take the smallest post and spread it like wild fire. Even though many of these sites are young than the target market target, they can still reach the families of the target market and those you may work in the industry of which NHCA is catering to. Advertise by hosting or attending several community events that are geared towards healthcare services. * Participation in community projects * Fairs – Health Fairs or Job Fairs * Give-a-ways of pens or pencils, and post-it notes * Coupons at the bottom of the flyers giving a 20% discount within a 2 month time span * Trade Shows – local convention centers host shows which the target market or family members attend such as arts and crafts, flowers, cooking lessons and pet shows. The cost of attending the community events will be $3000. 00. Most community fairs for free to participate as many are awareness driven. The cost to purchase custom pens, pencils and post-it note pads to distribute are as follows: 2000 pens $365. 00, 500 pencils $227. 00, and 500 post-it notes $230. 00. The coupons does not generate an expense and the cost of trade show for 2 days at 7 hours each day averages $2000. 00 Advertise in The Times Herald daily newspaper weekly newspaper and on the web viewer ship: 1/4 page 6 columns x 5†inch ad for 2 months, then monthly for two additional months. Cost: $1100. 00. Advertise in The Delaware County Times daily newspaper, weekly: 25 words per week for 12 weeks. Cost: $900. 00. The company’s website will be utilized to advertise and promote the business by informing them of the services. The target market will have basic information designed to peak their interest enough to want to place a telephone call to inquire further. Building the web site with the initial start up cost: $120. 00 Found a web designer and web host in one for a minimal cost. Steps taken to launch the web site are: submitting the website to search engines like Google, Ask Jeeves, and Bing and to web directories. Putting the website address in the email address, on the flyers, brochures, and on the business cards is the next step. By registering the company’s website for more than one year, will keep the search engines from classifying the company as a spam organization. Collecting and analyzing the data will assist in further developing the marketing strategy. Becoming a member of the Social Medias such as Face Book, Twitter, You Tube help strengthen the community relationship with the social workers of the hospital, assist living communities, and the referral based resources. Using multimedia devices on the website will assist in further interaction with the target market. The design of the website will be user friendly as the target market may or may not have experience with computers. 3. 8 Marketing Research As stated previously in this plan, the growth rate of the elderly population persons 65 years old and over has greatly exceeded the previous census predictions, an as they are getting older they are requiring more medical care. (U. S. Census Bureau, 2011). The elderly increased by a factor of 11, from 3 million in 1900 to 33 million in 1994 (U. S. Census Bureau, 2011). Today, almost 80% of Americans are living beyond the age 65. Forty percent of Americans age 65 or older will require Long Term Care before death (McMahon, 2009). Families are unable to care for mom or dad, aunt or uncle so the nursing homes and assisted living will continue to be the option for ongoing care of the elderly. In trying to determine if this service business would be a worthwhile endeavor, the owner sat down to asked a few questions with an existing nursing home administrator, wound care nurse, community case worker and a marketing director. As a result of the questions asked such as; can you tell me when families are approached at the hospital for discharge planning as their loved one just fell and fracture their hip, what is the attitude or knowledge base of what happens to the elderly in the home? The response was; ‘the first thing that came to the family members mind was abuse or neglect, or that the home was going to rob their mother or father blind. This comment is common to many who do not have a full understanding of what happens as their loved one transition into long term care. Another most important question is how or who will pay for my loved one to stay in the nursing home? Will her rights be protected and how much say will I have in the care of my parent or loved one? The last comments that came up, was the guilt the families feels when having to decide place the mother or father into a long term care home. As families are forced to place their loved ones into nursing homes and assistant living facilities, there is so much for them to take in; they will need to have a full understanding of their options in this transition. Nursing Home CareZ Advocacy has the good fortune of being affiliated with existing nursing homes and has an excellent work history and knowledge base to have recognized the issues current residents of nursing homes were facing. As a Business Office Manager for the last 10 years, the owner has the leverage of understanding the ins and outs of admission processes of long term care and the steps taken to make for a smooth transition. In the final decision process in this impending situation, the owner of NHCA also talk with case managers, county assistance office employees and several local attorneys’ who handle the guardianship processes on behalf of nursing home. All agreed, with positive feedback, there was a problem. An outside liaison is needed to assist residents and their families with coming to terms with their new home. By offering the service, it is allowing a sense of empowerment and a sense of peace. Transitioning into a long term care facility for these residents, with a knowledge base of what lies ahead and knowing their new home will truly be their home will make it all worth it. References 1. Advanced Marketing: One Stop for Newspaper Advertising. (2011). Retrieved from https://www. le-services. com. 2. Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly (CARIE). (2011). Help for People in Nursing Homes. Retrieved from http://www. carie. org/programs-services/advocacy-services/help-for-people-in-nursing-homes 3. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. 2011). Nursing Homes Overview and Payments 4. Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging (COSA). (2011). Retrieved from http://www. co. delaware. pa. us/depts/cosa. html 5. Department of Health & Human Services: Administration on Aging. (2011). Aging Statistics. Retrieved from http://www. aoa. gov/aoaroot/aging_statistics/index. aspx 6. Eiken, S. & Heestand, A. (2003). Pennsylvania Transition to Home Program . Retrieved from http://aspe. hhs. gov/daltcp/reports/2003/PAtrans. htm 7. Green Leaf Health Care Assisted Living. (2011). Professional Healthcare Development Marketing Plan. Retrieved from http://www. phdmkt. com/images/sample%20marketing%20plan%2007. pdf accessed 8. Keller, K. & Kotler, P. (2009). Marketing Management. Pearson Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ 9. Lewis, J. (2011). About Women’s History: Shirley Chisholm Quotes. Retrieved from http://womenshistory. about. com/od/quotes/shirleychisholm. htm 10. Marketing Plan Objectives and Strategies. (2011). Retrieved from http://www. smallbusinessnotes. com/starting-a-business/marketing-plan-marketin
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